Why work with ACT authentic? 

We've identified a deficit of knowledge and training when it comes to effective communication in the workplace. We know this can be remedied by applying the secrets, tools and techniques learnt from our intensive experience at a top level drama school.

Being an excellent communicator is sometimes believed to be a talent that people either have or don't have. We know this is not the case and that communication skills can be taught and continually improved on with training and awareness. Without these essential skills there can be communication breakdowns, ineffective relationships and lost opportunities.

We work closely with our clients and participants to understand each job role’s particular dynamics and challenges so we are able to tailor our training services to address the team’s specific problems and business goals. Whilst always delivering our key communication concepts honed over the past 6 years of working with a variety of businesses across different industry sectors.


From our experience, the most prevalent communication issues people are facing in their day-to-day job role are:

  • Speaking to an audience resistant to change / fixed mind: Feeling that the script is already written, you already know the ending and you are struggling to have the effect you want on the people you’re speaking to.

  • Intimidation of Status or Situation: Speaking to subject matter experts or people in positions of seniority, higher status or from a department/business that is held in high regard or has position of importance. Fear of public speaking and presenting.

  • Problems of the Personal: Dealing with nerves, anxiety, self-consciousness, low confidence and unclear speech. As well as ego, self-interest, detrimental habits or lack of self-awareness.


Our Approach

With the knowledge obtained from drama training and our co-founder's experience of working with individuals and corporations, we have developed a unique approach to improving communication skills. This is centred around resetting and connecting three fundamental parts;






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For each of these fundamental parts, we provide theory, technique, practical exercises and role-play, ready to be applied directly to working (and even personal) life. Our participants are trained in the key principles for effective communication: self-awareness, intention, being present to the task and active listening. As a result, participants learn how to use their vocal equipment properly, free tension in their body, engage their audience and speak effectively with power and ease.

Practical Training

A Typical Session

THe POwer of Authenticity

At first, it may seem like a contradiction - to 'ACT authentic' ?

Some describe acting as "people pretending". We once would have said the same. However, during our intensive acting training we learnt that the only way we could do our job - which is to be believed - was to have the courage and vulnerability to allow our true authentic selves to be seen.

We work closely with our participants to uncover their own authentic style of communication so they are able to a make a real and valuable connection to their clients and colleagues. Our participants leave as skilled communicators, engaging and influencing others with the power of their authenticity. 

We take the most valuable lessons from Professional Acting Training to deliver enlightening programmes for mastering communication in the workplace.