Previous Clients

Previous Projects

ACT authentic has worked with the BBC for the past 5 yeras, providing enlightening and practical training programmes to various teams, departments and communities:

Presenting & Pitching Course
Women at the BBC
BBC News

ACT authentic created the Presentation & Pitching Ideas Course for the BBC News Design Department, as well as delivering the Confidence in Communication Programme to the BBC Design + Engineering Department.

Responding to each team’s specific needs and challenges we created a tailored 10-session programme comprised of a combination of Group Training and One-to-One coaching. This structure facilitated individuals to gain confidence as they worked on personalised communication goals and developed their authentic approach to leading projects; whilst also addressing the team-specific challenges, such as handling hierarchical interactions, overcoming intimidation of status, conducting successful stakeholder relationships and improving their abilities to pitch solutions in order to drive change in content production.

After the success of the first project with the Production Management Applications Team, ACT authentic were thrilled to be invited back to work with the Production Toolkit Team and others across the BBC. We were glad to be able to adapt and deliver our Training Programme via Zoom during COVID with updated content responding to the pandemic’s normalisation of remote working and answering the challenges of communicating via video conferencing software.

ACT authentic also created and delivered the Advancing Women’s Voices Training Programme to Women in STEM (WiSTEM) (2022) and the Women at the BBC Community (2023). Following Chloe Faizullah-Ward’s talk given to Women at the BBC, she was subsequently invited to be a Guest Speaker at the BBC’s Production Management Festival 2023 in MediaCity, Salford where she delivered ACT authentic’s Masterclass.

Feedback from the BBC Teams

Client Case Studies

The Art of Storytelling

We created a 1 day company training day for Methods Consultancy: The Art of Storytelling a Public Engagement for their upcoming Client Event (Defra: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). Using the Storywheel we crafted one overall company story to effectively and authentically engage potential new clients and grow their Defra connections.

Sales Training

Confidence in Communication

We created a bespoke 5 month training programme for Data HQ’s Sales Team equipping them with the skills needed to talk confidently about their New Product Dynamo and successfully win new business.

ACT authentic’s Confidence in Communication Training Programme worked alongslide Data HQ’s company re-brand and new product launch. The sessions were designed to bring forward Data HQ’s new tone of voice as a company, whilst ensuring that the brand’s voice can be expressed authentically by each member of the Sales Team.

ACT authentic also created Interactive Learning Workshops to facilitate the Sales Team’s confidence to sell Dynamo: The Lead Nurturing Platform to new prospects. The workshops simplified the complex; making the salient information easy to relate to clients and turn brochure style facts into personable human-to-human conversations.

Team Building for Charity Start-Up

Recruitment Interviews and Onboarding New Staff

After being hired as a corporate Role-Play Actor (playing a range of roles opposite interviewees for their recruitment process), Chloe was asked to devise and lead Communication and Team-building Workshops for the start-up charity Second Chance as they onboarded their newly recruited team.

Teacher Voice Training

Chloe's Yoga Teaching qualification accumulated in presenting research on her chosen topic: how Yoga and Voice intersect. Consequently, she was then hired by The Traditional Yoga Association to teach their newly qualified teachers in Voice Training so they can communicate clearly and authentically to their class.

Training Customer Experience Assistants

When your job is talking for 8-hours a day

Our Co-Founder, Chloe Faizullah-Ward delivered Vocal Training to teams and individuals at Merlin Entertainments Group Ltd; training Tour Guides at SEALIFE (speaking to 7,000 - 10,000 guests a day) and Education Facilitators (teaching the physics of Rollercoasters to school groups) at Thorpe Park to fully utilise their voice and sustain it in a strenuous working environment.

Chloe worked with an Acquisition Marketing Manager based in Xpert HR’s New York office to develop her Leadership Skills via one-to-one Zooms. Her coach quickly identified blockages that were preventing effective and authentic communication and worked attentively with her to establish her voice in stakeholder meetings so she can expertly execute her role.

Training Sales Team and Account Managers

Selling to the Expert

ACT authentic designed a 6 month training programme tailored to IT Consultancy Company Telstra Purple’s (previously Company85) current needs and specific business scenarios.

Once we identified that the account managers were facing an ‘unbalanced’ dynamic in their task of selling complex IT products to C-Level subject matter experts we worked closely with their Direct New Business Team to equip them with the skills they need to overcoming this intimidation of status and situation.

Our comprehensive and holistic approach ensured long lasting changes in the Team’s communication abilities. Working with each team member to establish their authentic approach for the critical first meeting and equipping them with skills to effectively build and sustain new client relationships. ACT authentic trained the team the foundations for effective communication whilst providing a safe environment to practice their new acquired soft skills with personalised feedback and direction.

We are very pleased to have been continually invited back to work on a variety of projects tailored to their ongoing needs. These include; Networking Event Prep, Public Speaking Prep for a community launch event as well as facilitating Interactive Learning workshops for their sales team.

Chloe’s Voice Coaching for our new Yoga Teachers was a true masterclass. The way she explained the principles behind voice projection and then the relaxed and friendly manner in which she took the whole group along with her while making the class fun, was truly skilled. She put students who were unsure of themselves at ease as she helped them find their own voice, making the class a joy to be part of.
— Swami Ambikananda Saraswati. Founder, Traditional Yoga Association.

Reviews and Recommendations